We present the design and implementation of Persistent Modula-3, a compiled, optimized, persistent programming language. The design allows the evaluation of performance aspects of persistent programming languages, while the implementation supports the development of compile-time mechanisms for optimizing persistent programs. We present several optimizations in detail, and outline further optimization opportunities.
@techreport{Hosking+1991TR, author = {Hosking, Antony L. and Moss, J. Eliot B.}, title = {Compiler Support for Persistent Programming}, institution = {University of Massachusetts at Amherst}, year = {1991}, type = {Technical Report}, number = {UM-CS-1991-025}, month = {March}, url = {https://web.cs.umass.edu/publication/docs/1991/UM-CS-1991-025.pdf}, gscholar = {18} }